I have this BURNING question.

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Firedblue's avatar
Am I the only one who intentionally makes funny mountains out of molehills to avoid potential awkwardness?
I mean like... Okay, so my cousin Jessica and I were stuck at the mall 'cause we were at a weird party and our other cousin dropped us off and went back to the party and blah blah, and he wasn't picking up his phone. So we were stuck. And another one of our friends, who she has this thing for, lives like a block away from the mall, so she wondered if she could call him up and ask if he would pick us up, except she didn't wanna be awkward about it, and she was having a cerebral hemorrhage about it, so I told her to just don't be awkward about it then, and she said that that would be impossible because she'd already asked him about hanging out earlier and he said no, so she didn't wanna be needy.
I mentally facepalmed, and then told her that she could just make a big deal of and therefore make fun of her alleged "needy"ness then, and then she told me to shut up because my brain doesn't match up with reality. :'c
Except it wasn't quite like that.

Anyway, what I'm trying to ask is this: If you're presented with a situation where the only action you could take would seem awkward or even possibly offensive, wouldn't exaggerating that awkward act show that you are aware of your behavior and enable you to laugh it off, while also permitting the act? Obviously this wouldn't work in formal or serious situations, like in a job meeting or a funeral home or something.
Yanno, if just acting self aware and nonchalant about it wouldn't work, at least.

Like, if I'm with my friends who don't care about video games and I see something about a game that I just can't help but mention, I would very possibly make fun of myself and say, "LIEKK OHMYGOODNESS SKYWARD SWORD COMES OUT ON LIKE, THE 20TH! LIEK, OHMYGOODNESS I'M GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK!! and then laugh at myself.
Am I the only one that does that? ;u;
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Phinnimonster's avatar
Haha, I've been thinking about this recently, actually.. I like to do it, too. Because in some situations, it seems like if you DON'T just do something really awkward and silly to break the ice, it's never going to be broken and there'll be this prolonged awkwardness which is definitely much more uncomfortable! So I find it's better to just go all out and laugh at yourself a bit, and, unless the other person is totally missing any sense of humour, it should make things less awkward. x)